Technology and Communication

Technology has made communication between people both better and worse. Technology has made communication better in some ways but worse in other ways.

First of all, technology has made communication better. Technology made people’s communication better because people can talk or text from their phones to anywhere in the world. Technology has grown a lot with smart phones, which people usually have. People have social networking accounts where they can chat with people or their families all around the world. In paragraph 2, on page 365, of  the article “Silent Language,” the authors Dr.Bruce Perry and Charlotte Latuala states that, “Your gestures and posture say more than you know. Indeed, body language is the single most important means of getting a point across say experts.” This quote means  that when people chat with other poeple on Facetime, Skype, Tango and other kinds of social networking apps, they can see their friends body language and how they react. People use these apps to see other people or families so they can see each other all around the world.

On the other hand, technology has also made communication worse, because when people text message,  send emails and post on social media, it’s not that private. People screenshot text messages, emails, and social media and then they forward those pictures to their friends and share them on social networking. In paragraph 3, on page 365 of “Silent Language” the authors state that, “Refusing to meet someone’s eyes says that you’re unconfident, nervous, or even worse – untrustworthy”. This quote relates to what I’m pointing out because on a computer or text you won’t know if someone is paying attention to your conversation or your private text. When they aren’t paying attention, the way to know that is because they might reply the text or email way late.

Finally, these are my reasons how technology has made communication between people both way better and worse. Technology has made communication between people so that they can use technology to go against their friends or family, but they can also use technology to do something nice.




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